Alfresco Ubuntu Install


Throughout the years we have installed and upgraded Alfresco for many of our customers. With this experience we have created a suite of best practices to get an installation of Alfresco to run with the best in terms of performance and stability.

These best practises were implemented as a script where it allows us to repeat it successfully.

Why Ubuntu?

We recommend our clients to use a Ubuntu Linux based server for Alfresco. Since most of our clients run Ubuntu we created an installation script to automate the process.

Our script has been adopted to create additional installation scripts, including the Order of the Bee Alfresco Honeycomb edition. If you have a different platform which where you want to run Alfresco, we certainly can help too.

How to get it?

You can use this yourself and you will find it at It is the most used and recommended installation script for Alfresco.

Can I use it for a production installation?

Absolutely. We recommend and use it for our own production servers along with our customers. However, you may need to make additional configuration and tuning with the help of a company that knows what they are doing.

Can I get support from Loftux?

Yes. We can help you set up Alfresco and run it for production. Contact us for more information.

Following blog posts from us discuss more on this script.