Alfresco Versions

Overview of versions and compatibility

This is an overview list of Alfresco versions. It lists both the Loftux releases and releases by Alfresco (the company) and their compatibility between versions.

You should be able to move between a Loftux build and an Alfresco build as long as they have the same schema version, or the schema version is higher in the version in the release you plan to use. Please be advised that you should do proper testing before any switch/upgrade of release before taking it into production.

If you want to use a Loftux release please contact us or build from source and check out the version by tag. Loftux customers have access to pre-built binaries.

For Alfresco release, follow the link in the version label.

Loftux releases

LX10010057Symbolic Linking Fixes
LX9910057Same as LX98 + Loftux Symbolic Linking extension
LX9810057Based on 5.2 201707. Fixes for Share Document Library gallery view; permission issue for checked out document moved between sites, + more
LX9710005Based on 5.2 20170511. Merge Alfresco Security fixes.
LX9610005Based on 5.2 20170221. Additional fix for preview.
LX9510005Based on 5.2 20170217. Merged Alfresco changes.
LX9410005Based on 5.2 2017018. Fix for preview afterCommit causing DB preview fail.
LX9310005Based on 5.2 20161213
LX9210005Based on 5.2 20161102 + Fix for Preview. Fix file renaming on new version upload. Included Swedish language pack.
LX9110001Based on 5.1.f + Fix for Kerberos SSO fallback
LX909016Based on 5.1.e
LX828022Based on 5.0.d + Security Fix Apache commons-collection CVSS 10.0 vulnerability
LX818022Based on 5.0.d + Security Fix Groovy Lib. Fixed malformed Download Url
LX808022Based on 5.0.d + Fix for EML Transformations and Solr indexing
LX728009Based on 5.0.c + fix for Kerberos SSO


Alfresco releases

5.2.g - 5.2.f10057201707 GA Release
5.2.f - 5.2.e10005201704 GA Release (same as 201702 with RM addon added)
5.2.f - 5.2.e10005201702 GA Release
5.2.e - 5.2.d10005201701 GA Release
5.2.d -5.2.c10005201612 GA Release
5.1.f10001201605 GA Release
5.1.e9016201602 GA Release
5.0.b8006Whats new in 5.0.b
5.0.a8001Whats new in 5.0.a
4.2.f6033Security fix release for 4.2.e
4.2.d6032New in 4.2.d
4.2.c6022New in 4.2.c
4.2.a6019New in 4.2.a