March has been an interesting month for Alfresco related announcements and we gathered some of them that are not to be missed!
- Alfresco 5.0d is announced. Administration Console – previously unavailable for some versions of Alfresco Community is back again! Some of the new features include support for the new Google Drive API, an upgrade to the Aikau framework (to 1.0.8), a new Share public service endpoint and additional fixes for Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication chains.
Read the release notes here: - Alfresco Ubuntu Install from Loftux AB is now updated to install Alfresco 5.0d. Tweet from Peter Lofgren on this is available here. (
Swedish Language Pack, a localization pack for Swedish language with contributions from Loftux AB is now migrated to GitHub following the shutdown of Google Code (
Also, Swedish Language pack is released for Alfresco 5.0d. (
- Alfresco Share source code is now separate from Alfresco main SVN branch. Gabriele Columbro writes. -
- Richard Esplin steps down as Head of Community Relations at Alfresco and moves to being the product manager for Alfresco Community Edition ( In May last year, we saw Jeff Potts leaving the same position (
We wish Richard all the best for his new role and hope he would be able to give more attention and care for Alfresco Community edition. - Aikau framework gets a much needed set of tutorials now available on GitHub. You can now access them at
- An interesting quick hack by Jeff Potts: Removing Create Site links and restricting them to Site Creators Group. ( This is an often requested customization by Alfresco customers and would be nice if can be migrated upwards to Alfresco source code itself.
- Contentreich posts a cool doodle explaining differences between Tags, Categories and Properties in Alfresco. (
If you have anything to add to this list, please tweet at us @LoftuxAB or send us a message using the contact form on our website.
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