Darkly Theme for Alfresco now available for Free.


Two weeks ago we announced the availability of over 16 new Alfresco themes based on Bootswatch. We also promised that Darkly theme for Alfresco will be made available for Free for Alfresco Community Edition build by Loftux AB.

Today we are making the Darkly theme available after making some additional improvements of the look and feel. View the video or see the following screenshots to see the Alfresco Darkly theme in action.


You can now start using the Alfresco Darkly Theme with the Alfresco Community Build by Loftux AB starting today.

Get Loftux Community Build for Alfresco :

If you want to use it from the default Alfresco Community Build or Alfresco Enterprise, you can find the files from this GitHub commit :

View our original blog post at :


Please feel free to use it in your Alfresco installations and report any issues over to Loftux AB through Twitter (@LoftuxAB) or email. You can also use the Contact form on the website.

Bhagya Silva
Software Architect
Loftux AB