Breakfast seminar Alfresco Content Management 24 November


Redpill Linpro is hosting a breakfast seminar about Content Management with Alfresco the 24 November in Stockholm.
Besides presentations about workflows with Activiti, Alfresco Mobile, and integration with CMIS, I (Peter Löfgren) will give you the latest take aways from DevCon 9-10 November.
All presenations in Swedish unless otherwise noted.

For who?
All that have an interest in Alfresco, both technically and practically
When and where?
24 november at Redpill Linpro Korta gatan 7, Vreten, Solna.
08.00 Breakfast and signup
08.25 Welcome and introduction, Redpill Linpro
08.30 Activiti BPM and Alfresco – Carl Nordenfelt, Redpill Linpro
08.50 Questions and short break
09.00 Building integrations using CMIS – Oskar Elisson, Redpill Linpro
09.20 Questions and short break
09.30 Alfresco Mobile (presentation in english) – John Juerss and Christer Eriksson, Alfresco
09.50 Questions and Coffee break
10.10 Alfresco DevCon 2011 – take away – Peter Löfgren, Loftux
10.30 Question and conclusion

Detailed program and signup via Redpill Linpro.

You can also go to the seminar in Oslo November 22nd, and Copenhagen November 23rd. Unfortunately I cannot be present at these events, for details about these events follow the links.