Alfresco Monthly: May 2015

Alfresco Monthly: May 2015
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In the month of May we saw some interesting discussions surrounding the future of Alfresco Community edition.

Things heated up when a post in the Order of the Bee threads accused Alfresco of misrepresenting Alfresco Community edition in a comparison against Alfresco Enterprise edition.

You can follow the conversation and read what happened here.  

As strong believers and supporters of Alfresco Community edition, we think the following blog post is a must read for anyone who reads more about open source and commercial software licensing.

What we mean by “no gimmicks” open-source licensing – (2011, April 4) Jonathan Marsh - WSO2 

Here you can find the other interesting blog posts and tutorials that were posted within the month of May.

Announcements and Blog Posts


Updates from Loftux:

Last, a dose of humor from ContentReich showing how different stakeholders in Alfresco Community (not the Community edition) view each other and themselves.

Note: To make it full circle, this should be updated to include an Enterprise edition users column. 

If you have anything to add to this list, please tweet at us @LoftuxAB or send us a message using the contact form on our website.

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You can find links to previous editions of Alfresco Monthly below.

You should follow us on Twitter: @LoftuxAB

Image copyright: Bhagya Silva (