
Alfresco and ECM

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So is it Alfresco One or is it Two?


Categories : Notes

Alfresco has long been struggling hard to define its product line, and especially to draw a distinct line between Alfresco Community and Alfresco One (previously named Enterprise). In doing so the focus has always been to saying why Alfresco Community is not fit for any serious usage. If you listened to a sales presentation from an Alfresco sales representative you have probably heard something along the lines that "Alfresco Community is only suitable for evaluation purposes". As believers of open source and Community edition, we all can agree that it is some serious badmouthing of their own product. 

Tags : alfresco, products, opinion, alfresco inc

Alfresco Monthly: May 2015


Categories : Notes

In the month of May we saw some interesting discussions surrounding the future of Alfresco Community edition.

Tags : alfresco, Alfresco monthly

Alfresco Monthly: April 2015


Categories : Notes

It's April and the long nights are coming to an end. Here is a recap of the things happened in April and must read articles if you are into Alfresco.

Tags : alfresco, Alfresco monthly